It looks like Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin have parted ways after specualtions grew strong in the past about their separation.
The duo have been in the headlines for weeks as media outlets spoke about them ‘drifting apart’ but the duo failed to speak on the matter in public, and neither did their team plan on addressing the concerns in public.

Now, the rumors of the split are heating up again after the actress was missing a very special rock on her ring finger that she’s known for flaunting.
The massive size and shine are so evident that it’s hard to miss out on seeing it from a distance. The star makes it a point to always wear it on her hands but this is the first time she was seen at a public event without it.

The duo have been dating since the start of 2017 and even attended several public events together. However, they have not been pictured together in a long time as noted by insiders.

They claim the couple have drifted apart over time and the spark is no longer there as it once was at the start. No reason as to why the sudden distance between the couple has taken place as fans are heartbroken to hear the news.